Entries from December 2012
The music of Curt Cacioppo displayed the greatest theatrical range of the bunch in “Philadelphia Diary” [just released on Kuumba Records – see next post], his five-section local musical travelogue for solo piano. His mood ranged from solemn— as in his depiction of the Treaty Elm where William Penn met with the Lenape in 1682— […]
Pianist Althea Waites released a new Kuumba Music CD in recent weeks featuring the world premiere recording of Curt Cacioppo’s “Philadelphia Diary” and her lustrous live performance of his “Fantasy-Choruses on This Little Light of Mine,” which he dedicated to her. The disc, entitled CELEBRATION, also includes pieces by John W. Work, Margaret Meier, Duke […]
This collection of musical elegies and celebrations by Curt Cacioppo skillfully evokes a Native American time, a space and a people. The history and the literature these meditations trace are often tragic—intensely dramatic. Tone poems infused with vibrancy, they elevate. Listen to the “Invocation” trilogy—the work summons images of Native American lifeways paradoxically familiar and […]
In honor of Native American Heritage Month this year, Navona Records released my new CD entitled “Laws of the Pipe.” The disc is a collection of three of my larger works inspired by Native American culture, including the recent string quartet “Kinaaldá” as performed by the highly acclaimed Borromeo Quartet. Navona has posted a Youtube […]
(a portion of the following essay appeared as program notes for Hersch’s Kaufmann Hall concert in May of 2007) The Sonata No. 2 for unaccompanied cello (2000-1), The Vanishing Pavilions for piano (2005), Caelum Dedecoratum for unaccompanied contrabass (2006), and the Fourteen Pieces for unaccompanied violin (2007) link together in an unbroken (and perhaps still […]
Marino Baratello’s Malebolge cycle (This paper in its Italian form, “Un pianista nell’ Inferno di Dante,” was read at the Fondazione Cini’s Sala del Soffitto, Isola di S. Giorgio Maggiore, and at the Tempio Library of Palazzo Albrizzi, San Polo, in Venice in September, 2009. It is published in the Cini Foundation’s annual peer reviewed […]